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Notes are Awesome AND These People are Teaching Me How to Invest in Real Estate

I’ve been in Jim Ingersoll’s Investor Success Mastermind since returning from Walter & Quincy’s cruise last May. It’s helped me implement new systems & take new actions so I can quickly ramp up the way I function in my local market here in Carson City.

There are only so many owner carry notes created each year right here that I could potentially buy, so if I can expand my marketing to be able to buy properties at a discount and/or below-market terms (with seller financing), then I can make more of an impact and leave more of a legacy.

I can provide home ownership to more people by offering owner financing on properties I’ve been able to pick up at a good price. That means, I will originate an owner carry note, not just buy someone else’s at a discount.

Here are my new websites:

The first in-person mastermind session with Jim’s group was held last month at the headquarters of one of the members, Tom Olson… his company does over 300 real estate deals a year!

Functioning at that sort of level pretty much blows my mind, and I got SO much out of spending a couple of days seeing their operation first hand and sharing in the spirit and vision of why it all matters.

Now they are willing to share the in’s & out’s of their operation with you…

Click here for more information about Good Success Academy

I think you owe it to yourself to check them out and make it to their 2-day event outside of Chicago if you can… It’s just a month away, so don’t delay in making plans.

Learn their systems, processes and culture. They believe if you can see how they do it, then you can do it too!

  • The 2016 “BELIEF EVENT” is HERE!
  • Testimonials Click Here
  • Less than 23 seats available as of the date of this post

Tom is such an amazing asset to our Mastermind Group, and I hope you’ll consider connecting with him if you have the desire to build a thriving real estate business. I can’t recommend him enough.

Wishing you every success,


Hey so this is new…

Download my new app: NoteQueenCapital (be sure to allow push notifications, you’ll automatically be notified of our free monthly mastermind call: Virtual Coffee Q&A: Anything Owner Financing & Notes.

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