How to Have a Chat with Dawn

I would absolutely love to talk with you and help you in any way that I possibly can, AND… I am overloaded with messages in my inbox (both phone and email), so it is nearly impossible for me to get back to casual inquiries. My time is committed to buying notes, supporting members of my community, and taking care of paid consulting clients.

I have provided a lot of FREE information:

  • Here on my site (read the posts and pages!)
  • My YouTube channel has a lot of informational videos, subscribe to it so you don’t miss anything new
  • You can download a preview version of my book “Seller Financing on Steroids” up above
  • You can watch the note investing videos on the Note Investor’s sign up form
  • Once a month I have a Virtual Coffee Q&A (sign up for Property & Paper or download SFOS to be notified of the next teleconference)

Premium members of the Owner Financing Club community get an initial 45 minute 1-on-1 consultation as part of their membership benefits, and they also receive in-depth deal review at discounted prices.


But if you’re not a member, here are the ways you can schedule time to talk with me (once you make the payment, you are emailed a link that will allow you to schedule an appointment, but wait… have there been other people crazy enough to hire someone called the “Note Queen”???):

45-minute evaluation $175.00:

As long as it takes to close your owner financing or note transaction (requires a retainer agreement) $495.00:

That being said, if you have a note to sell, then by all means, please feel free to call me:
