Partnering with NoteQueen grants you access to a network that finds & cultivates real estate & note-buying opportunities, thus giving YOU access to exclusive insider deals with very low risk.
Protect your retirement.
If your money isn’t working hard, it’s evaporating. Inflation is decimating your buying power. To rub salt in the wound, if your funds are in a qualified account, custodial fees are directly nibbling away at your investment capital.
Expand your investing options.
Safe, secure investment options that provide a far better return than a savings account (or short term CD) at the bank. Above average returns with very low risk. Notes secured by real estate are some of the safest, most coveted investments in the market today.
A partner you can trust with your cash
My conservative underwriting practices keep you under 65% ITV (investment-to-value) and secured by a property you wouldn’t mind owning.
Risk-free and low-effort deals
Let NoteQueen do the heavy lifting! Many times our partnership is structured in a way that has me (not you) fronting any necessary legal costs and doing the leg work if things go sideways.
Help build a better future
Your investments will be helping good and capable people escape the rent cycle to become homeowners. This affords many the opportunity to build wealth and create stability for their families and their communities that they may not otherwise have access to.
Hi, I’m Dawn Rickabaugh – the self-proclaimed “Note Queen” and partner to dozens of investors who have trusted my expertise since 2011.
I have always had an investor mindset.
I put myself in your shoes, avoiding deals that I wouldn’t jump into myself.
In fact, most of the time when we’re investing together, I make sure you’re in the safest position possible.
I wrap my money around yours, keeping it safe from the risks associated with other forms of investing. If there’s any trouble, I’ll be the one to lose dollars, before you surrender a single dime.
I consider slowly and carefully before I invite new investors into my personal ‘family’ of trusted financial associates. It’s very important to me that the product I’m dealing in is appropriate for any prospective co-investors.
Before you get in touch, please consider the following questions:
Many prospective financial partners start with a Quick Coffee Chat so we can get to know one another. We tend to do business with those we know, like and trust. Some prefer a 1-hour >>Deep Dive<< Strategy Session.
Remember… THIS IS NOT FINANCIAL ADVICE. I’m only sharing what I have personally done. I do not suggest that you do what I have done. I just want you to be exposed to ideas that may help you craft a course of action that is right for you in your own unique set of circumstances.