Thank You For Your Interest

Thank you for submitting your ‘Royal Court Membership Application’

We are excited to evaluate your application details for the opportunity to become a Royal Court member. The community at our online masterminds and training is off the charts…and our members continue to tell us about the amazing breakthroughs they’ve made with owner financing and note deals.

“I can always count on you to give tremendous value. I look forward to receiving the education. Hope all is well with you and yours. Respectfully.” ~Tom
“Hello, Dawn. Thanks for the reply note. In plain words, “I like you” I enjoy your motivated entrepreneurial spirit. You’re generous and creative. There aren’t enough people like you in the business world!”~Jim, SRES, CAREI Certified, REALTOR
I wanted to write and thank you for your time recently. For someone, like me, that is new to the note community, it is SO helpful to just get a short conversation with someone that is as experienced as you.”~H. Thompson
As a Royal Court member, you’ll be sure to gain advanced insights and support required for taking yourself to the next level.

Again, we greatly appreciate the interest you’ve expressed and look forward to connecting with you.