Not too long ago I posted a very serious and desperate call for help (When Right Side Up is Inside Out ), and I’m here to tell you that God really does answer prayers.
I just received $10 through Paypal from a very generous woman in Monrovia:
“I am fifty years old with rapidly failing close vision. I too recently put my shirt on inside out. God bless you. I feel far less alone now.” – Cristina
You know, it’s great to be able to laugh at ourselves, isn’t it? When we take the walls and pretenses down, we create opportunities to touch and be touched, and we get a profound sense that we’re all in this together.
Thanks Cristina . . . and I don’t think we’re dysfunctional . . . I think we’re trend setters. Right side out is boring.
P.S. The Pasadena escrow I was able to help rescue with seller financing is closing today!
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